Gene Cartwright Books

Bestseller Fiction, Non-Fiction by Past Oprah Guest Author

Gene Cartwright Books

Austin Film Festival SemiFinalist 2023
AFF30 Feature Drama With Mystery, Suspense, & Fantasy

Saving Emma ScreenPlay Austin Film Festival eniFinalist
Discover on Coverfly and The Black List
Saving Emma ScreenPlay Austin Film Festival eniFinalist
Click image to visit Coverfly
About Emma

A precocious 7-year-old heroine with uncanny powers, her mysterious terrier and unearthly forces defend her family from her father’s ruthless enemies determined to destroy them.

The Pitch

Success at AFF30 (Austin Film Festival 2023)  proves the value of rewriting and collaboration (having opted for script notes—a collaboration—with my AFF29 entry of Saving Emma).

I’m Gene Cartwright—a father, a former Oprah author guest (16 multi-genre books), a screenwriter (multi-genre features & shorts), a past Pulitzer nominee, a former engineer, and an inactive U.S. Marine.

May I submit my Austin Film Festival SemiFinalist and Coverfly Finalist Red List screenplay, Saving Emma (Family Drama Feature—female protagonist, diverse cast), for your consideration?


  • Consider Saving Emma a cross between E.T. and Stand by Me. Emma’s Shasta is like E.T. with four legs and a bark—arriving from a pet store that never existed.
  • Emma—like the boys in Stand by Me—exudes inner strength and a relentless sense of self despite the health battles she confronts. She often exhibits a healing effect on suffering children with the touch of her hand. The bad guys—ruthless enemies of her father—have more than earthly forces to fear.

Industry Professionals, Request my Award-winning 119 p. screenplay? (Family drama with thriller, mystery, and fantasy appeal)

Dionne Warwick was right. “What the world needs now is love, sweet love.”

Gene Cartwright Books

Bestseller Fiction, Non-Fiction by Past Oprah Guest Author