Gene Cartwright Books

Bestseller Fiction, Non-Fiction by Past Oprah Guest Author

Gene Cartwright Books

Saving Emma is an Austin Film Festival Semifinalist & Coverfly Red Lister

Saving Emma - Austin Film Festival 2023 Feature Drama Semi-Finalist

Sadly, we lost Mr. Poitier before this proposed story could become a reality.
Still, accomplished actors remain who could make this film a reality

This is a dream project first conceived in 2006. We are providing an audio excerpt of Where Angels Walk, along with a complete treatment.

Log Line: (20 years earlier)

Malcolm James Porter, an 80-year-old, Chicago homeless man, and WWII hero, discovers the power to heal lies in the touch of his hands.

Synopsis – Set in Chicago 20 years ago

Malcolm James Porter, 80, a man with a storied past, buries his last friend, and fellow WWII hero, Henry Chester Morris, III. Unable to maintain his rooming house quarters, he pawns his meager worldly possessions to purchase a suit, real leather shoes, and fresh flowers for his friend’s VA Cemetery ceremony.

Shortly thereafter, this shy, retiring man of regal bearing—along with a world hungry for miracles—discovers the power of healing in the palms of his weathered hands. But who will heal Malcolm J. Porter? (Now preparing to celebrate his 100th birthday)


Gene Cartwright Books

Bestseller Fiction, Non-Fiction by Past Oprah Guest Author