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A Love A Love story like no other. Once upon a time, it was 1955...

A spy thriller. We knew "it" was coming but did nothing to stop it. Now...—Hardcover on Barnes & Noble
A serial killer is murdering wayward husbands and their lovers —caught and murdered in the act.
In a small New England town, two young brothers face demon zombies dormant for more than 300 yrs.
A Selma, Alabama Klansman's 50 year road to redemption ends in is bound to that of a black man in a stunning...
Staying Alive, a woman's essential guide to living safely every single day. Learn to not be a victim.
If it takes forever, I will wait for you.
What won't you do for love?
Still Dreaming - poetry and captivating images.
Print & eBooks

Gene writes across genres. Free eBooks with print version.

Films & Screenplays

Gene adapts many of his novels + original screenplays


Gene has written and produced a sitcom pilot, 'The Lemon Tree'.


Gene's original music on iTunes, Amazon Music & More